The Aboriginal people are the first tribal people to have inhabited Australia. Their art style is entirely unique to the land, and encompasses thousands of years of creativity, shamanic ceremonies, and collective experiences.
Little-Known Facts About Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most celebrated and well known artists in the world. The French painter became famed for his impressionistic style of artistry, but only after his death. He also had a fascinating life of artistic endeavours, battles with mental illness, financial hardships and more.
X Gawp-Worthy Temporary Works of Art
Many artists use durable materials of the best quality to ensure their works have a long lifespan. Others use organic substances that will decay over time – and as the most important temporary works show, impermanence itself becomes a collaborator or a medium.
The World’s Most Haunted Paintings
Haunted paintings are a familiar enough site in children’s cartoons, but according to some people, they are not limited to the realms of animation and imagination. Even today, there are artists, viewers, and collectors who swear there is something sinister about certain artworks.
Interesting Facts about Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his renaissance works of art. When he died in 1519 he left behind about 6000 journal pages that he filled with writings about his life. In these pages he included how he found inspiration, his need for fame and his heartaches and disappointments. Childhood Years Da Vinci was […]
10 Contemporary Artists to Watch
The term ‘emerging artist’ has become watered-down in recent years, but these artists to watch are notable for reaching certain critical milestones in their careers at a young age, which has taken them from regional recognition to international acclaim. Diamond Stingily, 28 Stingily’s contribution to this year’s New Museum Triennial is a white-knuckler. The E.L.G. […]