Write for Us – Guest Bloggers Welcome

write for us ovejero

Ovejero Art & Literature is always on the lookout for interesting content, and if you’d like to write for us, now is the time! If you’ve got experience in art and literature, have some cool insights or anecdotes that you’d like to share, you can submit a guest post and we’ll publish it – provided it meets our editorial guidelines, naturally.

At Ovejero we strongly encourage collaboration with guest bloggers and guest writers from all over the world, an experience that is most often rewarding for both parties. We get to find out more about fresh insights and ideas, and our guest bloggers get to share their view with the our audience and the world on a well-respected and popular platform online. We encourage guest blogging as we know our readers love hearing from others in the field, and it’s a great way for you to get noticed and communicate your ideas to a larger audience.

Collaboration is Key

To ensure that we keep our readers coming back for more and that we always feature fresh, fun new content, we need writers from all walks of life. Guest bloggers and all other writers are welcome to get in touch and chat to us about collaborating on a single article, or even a series of articles.

We publish content created by guest writers on an on going basis, and we’d love it if you became one of our contributors.

Contact us about publishing your guest post and one of our team will get back to you shortly.

Editorial Guidelines

We have to please our readers,  and so do you if you write for us. We have some guidelines that need to be followed which you can explore below:

  • All content must be unique and not syndicated or previously published elsewhere.
  • Cited facts MUST be correct with references
  • We reserve the right to tell readers that they are based on opinion, and reserve the right to publish these
  • All articles should must be well-written, have a clear voice and be grammatically correct.

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