Sculptures have been a part of human history for longer than humans have been recording history. With the oldest sculpture we know of dating back 37000 years, sculpting is deeply engrained in humans as one of the original forms of art.
The World’s 5 Strangest Statues
Mankind has been building status for as long as there has been civilisation, and even before that. Our ability to take a piece of rock, granite, or marble and carve it into something unique and one-of-a-kind is part of the creative spark that humans were gifted with from the moment we began paining in caves.
Exploring the World’s First Sculpture
Humankind has been creating art since we first began using tools. Some of this art came in the form of art on cave walls, some on rocks in the open that has since been washed away by the elements, and some in the form of sculptures that were carefully and meticulously crafted by some of […]
The Most Popular Sculptures Of All Time
Sculpture has been a popular medium for many centuries, and over the years there have been some incredible pieces that have captured the attention of art enthusiasts around the globe. You can see many of the classic and contemporary sculptures at museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, the Whitney Museum and even […]
7 Contemporary Sculptors You Need to Know About
Art is an ever evolving, ever changing beast, and sculptures can take on so many forms and be constructed from multiple different mediums. This 3D genre is constantly changing, and throughout the 20th century we have seen several artists tackle works that have been somewhat revolutionary. These sculptors have made a major impact on the […]