7 Unusual Museums from Around the World

Museums are an important part of travelling and they enable travellers to enjoy the culture and history of the country they are visiting.  The world has many museums, many of these offering a unique experience.

Many of the more popular museums such as the Tate or the Louvre we all know, but there are many museums that may be less popular, but worth stepping off the beaten path for.

7. Museum of Bad Art

This museum has a variety of art that will not be found in other museums.  The Museum of Bad Art may not have Leonardo Da Vinci type art, but does house the lesser-known artists and there are many portraits and landscapes on display.

The museum was opened in 1994 and has more than 600 works and of these between 60 and 70 are on display at a time.

6. Musee Fragonard

Musee Fragonard is in Paris, France.  The museum is located east of the city centre and has displays of anatomical oddities and has been around since 1766.  The museum has some very unusual displays and may disgust some visitors.

The museum is a fantastic learning experience for anyone who is interested in human and animal anatomies, but if you’d rather play the online blackjack Canada has to offer than stare at weird physiological specimens, we’d understand.

5. Museum of Curiosities

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities is in London and is operated by the Last Tuesday Society.

The museum has a collection of strange and wonderful things from Dodo bones to a collection of toys from the McDonalds Happy Meals.  The exhibition sometimes changes location and there are sometimes events and talks given.

4. Museum of Bread Culture

The Museum of Bread Culture is in Ulm, Germany and looks at the history of bread.  For some this may seem like a waste of time, but the museum looks at the way in which bread has contributed to and shaped human civilisation.

The museum houses around 18 000 objects which include various paintings, sculptures and artefacts all related to bread.  Works of art include art by Picasso and Dali.

3. Lunchbox Museum

The Lunchbox Museum is in Columbus, Georgia and this museum recognises an important part of everyone’s childhood, the lunchbox.  Found in the Rivermarket Antique Mall the Lunchbox Museum has hundreds of metal lunchboxes.

Visitors to the museum are also able to buy replicas of their favourite lunchbox.  If visitors are not completely satisfied with their experience the museum will refund their entrance fee.

2. Meguro Parasitological Museum

The Meguro Parasitological Museum is in Tokyo, Japan and as the name suggests, the museum is all about parasites.

The collection on display is small, but very interesting and educational.  The museum shows how parasites interact with the world and with humans.  The 29 foot tapeworm is on display and is an awe-inspiring and scary thing to see.

1. Museum of Food and Drink

This museum in Brooklyn, New York is dedicated to the consumption of food and beverages and is a large scale museum.

Visitors to the museum use their senses and in so doing gain an understanding of how humans relate to food.  Entrance into the museum includes unlimited fortune cookies as well as food tasting.

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