India is a beautiful country that is overflowing with plenty of culture and history. The people of India take great pride in their history, and have created many museums throughout the country that visitors are welcome to see.
The Smallest Museums in the World
While we’ve all spent time in expansive museums spread across many storeys, can you say that you’ve been in one of the smallest museums in the world? While most of them will only take a few minutes to visit and there might not even be enough space to turn around, they are no less fascinating. […]
The Worlds Top Anatomical Museums
When visiting a new city for the first time, it’s often a popular choice to visit the local museums, where visitors can appreciate the culture and art of the region. But for many, visiting an anatomical museum is generally not very high on the list.
Top 4 Military Museums in the World
Since the beginning of human history, we have always been at war with each other. From ancient biblical crusades to modern world wars, mankind has forever found reasons to go to war, and while it’s perhaps not one of our more positive traits, it has created an endless amount of fascinating history over the centuries. […]
7 Weirdest Museums Around the World
Most of the world’s museums are fairly tame places that tell the complex stories of natural and human history. Most of them, certainly, but definitely not all of them. The world’s weirdest museums are strange, even creepy, places. However, if visitors have a particularly macabre sense of humour, those questionably venerable institutions might be some […]
7 Unusual Museums from Around the World
Museums are an important part of travelling and they enable travellers to enjoy the culture and history of the country they are visiting. The world has many museums, many of these offering a unique experience. Many of the more popular museums such as the Tate or the Louvre we all know, but there are many […]
6 of the Oldest Museums in the World
Discovered by archaeologist Leonard Wooley in 1925 while excavating a Babylonian Palace, the oldest museum was built by a Babylonian princess some 2,500 years ago. The first museums in history began as private collections of wealthy families or institutions of art and rare natural objects and artefacts which were displayed in so-called ‘wonder rooms’ or […]
10 Best Modern Art Museums in Europe
Selecting the 10 best museums of modern art in Europe amongst the hundreds of deserving institutions is an almost impossible task, which is why we’ve curated a selection of both legendary and lesser-known museums which continuously capture the attentions of many. The Tate Modern, Great Britain As Europe’s most visited modern art gallery, the Tate […]