There are certain works of the contemporary literature scene that, like pillars, have provided a creative structure and context that other magnificent books have built upon. They are also a great investment! Though these writers all approached their work very differently, they have all ensured that their books will give a high rate of return […]
7 Best-Selling Novels of All Time
When you hear words like Mega-Seller and Blockbuster, you probably immediately think of an action-packed film starring an impossibly beautiful couple battling through a series of unlikely situations and narrowly, but assuredly, coming out on top. But these terms can apply to books, too, and you may be surprised at which titles have managed to […]
The 8 Longest Books Ever Written
The world has changed over the last few decades, with scientists and psychologists noting that modern, younger generations tend to have shorter attention spans than the generations that came before them. This is due mostly to the current generation of millennials having grown up with technology and the Internet at their fingertips. This also means […]
Exploring the World’s First Sculpture
Humankind has been creating art since we first began using tools. Some of this art came in the form of art on cave walls, some on rocks in the open that has since been washed away by the elements, and some in the form of sculptures that were carefully and meticulously crafted by some of […]
5 Rarest & Most Expensive Books
First editions of great books are the ultimate prize for readers around the world, but above and beyond the personal delight these can give you, they’re worth a bundle as well! Find out which versions of some of the best-known literature are worth a small fortune. 1. First Folio by William Shakespeare Originally entitled Mr […]
Interesting Facts about Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his renaissance works of art. When he died in 1519 he left behind about 6000 journal pages that he filled with writings about his life. In these pages he included how he found inspiration, his need for fame and his heartaches and disappointments. Childhood Years Da Vinci was […]
7 Unusual Museums from Around the World
Museums are an important part of travelling and they enable travellers to enjoy the culture and history of the country they are visiting. The world has many museums, many of these offering a unique experience. Many of the more popular museums such as the Tate or the Louvre we all know, but there are many […]
6 of the Oldest Museums in the World
Discovered by archaeologist Leonard Wooley in 1925 while excavating a Babylonian Palace, the oldest museum was built by a Babylonian princess some 2,500 years ago. The first museums in history began as private collections of wealthy families or institutions of art and rare natural objects and artefacts which were displayed in so-called ‘wonder rooms’ or […]
10 Of The Most Influential Photographers in History
It certainly is a difficult question to answer: which photographer in history is the most influential? Who had the greatest impact on the world around them? It’s almost impossible to provide a single, definitive answer, so here are the 10 photographers we believe left the world better than when they found it. 1. Ansel Adams […]
6 Books that Everyone Should Read
Books are a wonderful way of escaping into different worlds and can teach us many things. These books are a must read, at least once. 6. The Diary of Anne Frank Written by a young girl, Anne Frank, while in hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The Frank family was discovered in 1944 […]